Highlights of 2020: A Year of Creative Therapy

Despite a very tumultuous year for the world, many of us in the creative community managed to purposefully have an creative theraputic year. It has been absolutely essential to consistently engage in mind renewing to not fall into the gloom and negativity of all that was happening around and the constant media amplification. Creativity was the key for me.

Before the Covid shutdown several trips were very inspirational and recharging: Portugal and Miami with their beautiful public art and a month in tree-mossed Savannah. The rest of the year was spent secluded among family and few friends or via zoom

Mural 1
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It was great fun painting 3 large portraits. Included among the other work during the year, were three Covid themed paintings and a mural celebrating the anniversary of the 19th Amendment called “Leading Ladies.”

Tripp Portrait.jpg

It was also a privilege to participate in and curate an exhibit at our City Hall Rotunda with the Rutherford Arts Alliance. Artists are very special people and it is always a joy to interact with them, share work and brainstorm about the future.

More recently, returning to my sculptural painting style, I started a painting inspired by Baroque architecture with a modern twist. As a gift to the community I am rallying artists in a pop-up mural with the theme “Hope and Encouragement Through Creativity.” 20 artists will paint panels and they will be assembled collage style into a temporary mural.

Heart of Tennessee Sculpture
Hope and Encouragement Through Creativity
Leading Ladies Mural

This year, City of Murfreesboro willing, we will see the Heart of Tennessee sculpture finally materialize in the Breezeway by Gateway Island. We are very close to presenting to City Council. This is a picture of the scaled 3-D model. Beyond regular inspirational travel, it is my hope to take one trip specifically dedicated to advancing creative endeavors.

What are your hopes for 2021?