Highlights of 2021: Year Two of Covid19

Staying upbeat, inspired and creative in 2021 during Covid19 has been a challenge for many artists. For a group of 20 of us, even though we were unable paint together, we finished a mural painted with gratitude and hope to our community. The panels were painted individually and then assembled into a collage mural at the Walnut House. A framework was built with wires and the art/insulation panels were threaded on the wires like beads. The first of its kind that I am aware of…ingenuity in the face of adversity thanks to Ricki Martini at the Walnut House.

Mosaic Mural at Walnut House. A gift of hope to the community.

Next, I finished 3 covid19 themed paintings, one of which was a gift to the hospital. It seemed appropriate because at the time our hospital, nurses and doctors were overwhelmed.

Other paintings completed during the year were for my own therapy. I lost myself in work and the textured paint chip swirl painting was extremely time consuming and theraputic. This painting is titled, “Solice.” The painting named “Petrus Santi” conveyed the need for healing and hope as the patron Saint Peter is meant to provide. The last painting “Behind,” was inspired as I was sitting in my car passenger seat and saw a man in a hoodie in the rearview mirror. I took a picture and thought, that is where Covid needs to be, behind us all.

My mural fix was appeased in Miami. Love looking at the creative walls in other cities. Such spontaneous creations! They don’t look like they were organized projects by the city.

Also, during 2021 we purchased a vacation home in Savannah and now I divide my time and inspiration between two studios. It is nice to switch up scenery. We are on the intercoastal waterway next to the marsh with so much wildlife and weeping foliage.

In October I participated in a mural project called “Consensual Vandalism.” with many other artists in our community in Graffiti Alley behind the Church Street Gallery. We all had our own space and covered the walls of the alley. It was a great day hanging with other artists.

Mural in Graffiti Alley

I ended the year participating in two shows. The Rutherford Arts Alliance annually curates a show in the City Hall Rotunda for our members. This year the theme was “The Science of Creativity” and my work was titled “Pareidolia,” which is a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to stimulus usually an image or sound by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists. It’s a form of apophenia, which is a more general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information. There was phenomenal work from many RAA visual artists and photographers.

Next and through the end of the year was the Laureate show. All past and present Laureates were invited to show, and of course I included and concluded with my Covid themed work.

Goodbye 2021! Cheers to a fantastic, creative, and serendipitous 2022!